What is a LAN ( Local Area Network)?
LAN is the abbreviation of Local Area Network. It is a network in which many devices such as computers, printers, scanners, etc. are connected locally in small areas to share data, information, and internet access between users. The use of LAN is common in areas like schools, offices, medium size businesses, and even in homes if there are more devices. Local area networks can be wired networks and wireless networks. Both wired and wireless LANs can provide reliable and fast communication between devices within the network

Wired Local Area Network

Wireless Local Area Network
Local Area Network Installation
Setting up a LAN is quite a tough job. It needs a professional network and wifi providers to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Wifi Genius, a professional network services provider in the UK, serves the people with its experienced network installers. If you are installing LANs in your homes, schools, offices, medium size businesses wifi Genius provides the following services regarding LANs.
- Wifi and network Installation services
- Network repair services
- Network maintenance
- Cable installation
- Network cabinet installation